Invest Latam

Introduction: How much could you earn?

You negotiate

It depends on what you negotiate with the companies. You will earn more if you negotiate a high interest rate. However, you have competition, and any user who offers a lower interest rate will be preferred by the company.

Your return

The return of your investment depends on how your loan is structured. There are 2 possible cases:

  1. You receive the refund of your capital at the end
    For example: If you lend $ 12,000,000 in 1 year to 20% per annum it means that you would receive $ 2,400,000 of interest at the end of the year. The company holds 100% of the capital for 12 months and pays interest on that.

  2. You receive the reimbursement of your capital month by month
    For example: If you lend $ 12,000,000 in 1 year to 20% per annum it means that you would receive $ 1,227,380 in interest at the end of the year. The company returns your capital monthly and pays interest on the outstanding balance that remains. Therefore you will be receiving the return of your capital from the first month.

In Invest Latam, we want to maximize your investment safety. Hence to ensure a better payment, the companies return part of the capital monthly. This to lower the risk of non-payment.

Note: The investor can obtain greater profitability if he re-invest the capital he received each month.

Example: Investment: $ 12,000,000 - Rate: 20% - Term: 12 months

  Capital reimbursed at the
Capital reimbursed
Capital re-
Interest $2.400.000 $1.227.380 $2.400.000
Non-paiment risk High risk Low risk Low risk
Can be monitored? No Yes Yes
Invest Latam
No Yes Yes!

The risks and how we reduce them

Important: your capital is at risk and you can lose it.
We reduce this risk in the following way:

1. All companies are verified by an external advisor specialized in credit risk.
2. We verify suppliers and customers to get to know the company better.
3. Companies sign a promissory note with several co-debtors to reduce the risk of loss.
4. We are allied with Interia, a company with experience in the collection of arrears.
5. We have allied lawyers who are in charge of representing investors in case of loss.
6. We denounce the company to the Credit Bureau in Colombia.